All of my 9 beautiful babies have now gone to new homes, i think i'm getting soft at fostering, it igetting harder and harder to let them go. Almost feels like they take a small part of me away with them. I suppose at this point I will introduce "Theory" (much to many peoples disgust on the name! Mainly MrsHudson and my mum!! he he he). Yes another failed foster. I had 4 of them come to me at 4weeks, they were born under a shed in Ireland. They were unhandled, more wormy than any puppy I have ever seen and had very low immune systems. Sadly I lost the little girl, she was such a fighter and tried so hard! Taz has been in at the vets for over a week now, but seems to be turning a courner. Teek Nat adopted and theory is here.......

I don't have any pictures of just Hex as he oesn't sit still long enough!!!! Any way getting late.....More later x x x
Leah we all know why there is no pictures of Hex, its because you dont like him any more! Moving on hey ?? :p xxx
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