Firstly to run or not to run that is the question.........?
I've been really thinking hard as to whether running contacts are the right thing for Hex and myself, and the answer I came up with is I really don't know! Hex is and always will be a very strong dog, mentally and physically and therefore will always push it a step too far! But there is no denighing that running contacts will alwaysbe faster than a stop. My problem is or should i say are...1) I don't have a garden, therefore can not train at home. So Hex gets his running contact training twice a week. He gets maybe 4 to 5 repetitions each class, as opposed to 20 to 30 a day that it probably realistically needs to train a proper running contact, And there lies the next issue..
2) I love training my dogs, BUT I would not want to, or really could be arsed to (if honest) do it that much. Hex loves it as it is a treat, and i wouldn't like for that to change.
So here is where I am at......
Dogwalk- I am plugging away with the running contacts, have changed my approach slightly as Hex has a naturally HUGE stride (especially for his size), so doesn't naturally run through the contact, so I am having to teach himto target the area instead, I'm not sure this will produce the ideal runnning contact ie No break of stride, but at the moment (for the few rep's his done really)I am pleased.
A-Frame and See-Saw- Both of these have progressed to a stop at the moment....
The See-Saw was always going to be a stop, but the A-frame was running, the problem I was having was that hewas jumping from contact to contact!!!!! Yes, this is super quick, but extremly bad for him and my nerves, so for nowhe is learning some control, and does understand the difference if I tell him just to run instead of stop.
So there you are all obsticals in Hex's training so far, well you can watch the video and come to your own conclusions (sorry about the videoing, Jay looks like he had been on the beer all day!!!)
Here are some Videos of the Champ class at Thames that I never got round to uploading!
Sharon and Chip
Herbie and Me
Other stuff
What a great weekend Anju agility had.........
Nancy and Niamh for qualifying for Olympia semi
Mac and Spud for qualifying for Olympia semi and Power and speed final
Jason and Shy for qualifying for the Connect final
Jan and Cally for qualifying for Olympia semi and winning 6 agility!!! (and loads of great places with Teazel)
Jason and Stihl for coming 16th in the Olympia qualifier (one of her first grade 6 runs)
Louise and Shady for three great clears and a good place
Gill and Rosie for a really nice clear round and a place
Linda and Yanny for a great clear round
Chaz for a win with Gracie and multiple places with both Gracie and Clyve
Me and Herbie for qualifying for Olympia semi and the Power and Speed final
and any others I may have forgotten or do not yet know about (sorry! )
Also well done my freinds who did well.....
Elaine and Pi on more good results
Sharon and Chip for qualifying for the Power and Speed final
Karen and Todd for a few wins and other places
David and Rusty for winning grade 7 jumping
Amanda and twix for more wins
Kevin and Casper (the Many Tears pup) for their first clear round!
Elsbeth and jack for winning the power and speed and qualifying for the final!
So an amazing weekend really!
And onto this week.........
On Tuesday we are off to Ant's to do some EO training, then I have Olympia semi finals on Friday and Sunday........Fingers crossed x
Hex is looking really good Leah, and Good luck for Friday xx
It's all right I'll forgive for forgetting that Thomas qualified for the Royal Canin Final especially as he didn't come anywhere unlike the rest of ANJU.
Can't help with the contacts as I'm crap at them :)
Your 1 and 2 reasons/problems with the running contacts are exactly the reasons why I have not done them with Nellie. I think endless repeats are boring - for the dog and like Hex she likes them as a treat. I could go to my field patch everyday but I don't want to train any of my dogs everyday - agility should be fun not drilling!!!Like Hex nellie is long striding so go with the dog - not 'agility fashion'.Good luck with your re-working of them.
You'll figure it out and come up with something that works for you and Hex.
Good luck for the semi's.
You know I am not sure that running contacts are ALWAYS faster than a stop, although they can be. Really depends on how they are taught and on the dog's natural stride. If the dog has to check its stride all along the contacts to get the stride pattern right (and has to be conditioned to do it)then I'd say there is loss of speed and huge room for error when the variables of competition set in. But what do I know!
Hex is looking fab! How old is she now?
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